Vacuum Therapy / Cupping

East meets West with modern day cupping

Does it leave a mark?

We use a motorized unit to create suction over your tight tissues, trigger points, or injuries for a seriously fast way to improve the elasticity of tissue and stimulate healing of stubborn injuries. Scar tissue release has never been so easy and painless. Adhesive scars can create musculoskeletal problems far from the site of the scar. After a few treatments, scar tissue will soften and release the adhesions to the tissue below. It is truly miraculous!!! A favored application at Avanti is as a 5 minute headache cure: 3 cups applied up the neck and in 5 minutes your tension headache is gone. Not only that, but most patients report a decrease in frequency thanks to vacuum therapy.

…And Yes, it does leave a mark!

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